Screenshot 2023-05-25 103048

📣 URGENT APPEAL: Help Us Keep the Curtain Up at Home Made Theater!🎭 Home Made Theater, our beloved community theater, is facing a financial crisis that threatens its very existence. We know that we are not alone in this struggle. Theaters across the spectrum, from Broadway productions like Phantom of the Opera to small local theaters like the Theater Barn and Youtheatre, have been forced to shut down due to similar challenges. We urgently need your support to raise $50,000 to overcome budget shortfalls caused by lower ticket sales, canceled performances, and unexpected expenses. Without your help, we may not be able to continue operations. The challenges we face are compounded by the aftereffects of COVID-19, which have hit us hard. We've been running lean, staff members are working unpaid, and every dollar counts. Your donation will secure future performances, support our artists, sustain educational programs, and enhance community engagement. Join us in preserving the magic of theater and supporting our community. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Help us ensure the curtains continue to rise on Home Made Theater!